How we work
IAEH facilitates communication and knowledge sharing between experts in hosting and generating benefits from major sporting and cultural events.
Throughout the year, IAEH hosts meetings of members and shares expertise of generating benefits from hosting major events, focusing on issues such as
- delivering large scale events safely, securely and within budget
- best practice initiatives to increase participation
- attracting visiting tourists to events (not just local audiences)
- meaningful methodologies to measuring economic and social benefits from events
- generating public support for large events which require significant financial investment
- accessing funding for events from alternative sources (eg health budgets, private sponsors)
- achieving long-term sustainability goals
- promoting transparency in bidding processes
- major events for place making
IAEH also hosts an independent Annual Forum, currently held immediately prior to the SportAccord Convention.
The IAEH governing document is available here: IAEH – Articles of Association
There are different types of economic, social and cultural benefits from hosting major events, such as;
Short term tourism
Major events can bring an increase in visitors, participants and media. This can provide an increase in spending and injection of money into the local economy. For very large events these benefits may need to be offset against locals or regular tourists choosing to avoid a destination perceived over-crowding.
Profile of a City and Country
Cities can benefit from a persistent increase in recognition and tourism from hosting a major event. Hosting events can also provide a defining moment in highlight a new modern image for a destination. This raised profile can provide lasting economic benefits not only by attracting tourists but also from business investment.
Community Engagement and Civic Pride
A major event can create enthusiasm and excitement for such an event. It can help promote uptake of participation which has lasting benefits for the nation’s health and also lead to a rise in volunteerism which promotes civic virtues.
Long term investment and jobs
Hosting mega-events can provide a significant benefit from the long-term investment which comes from preparing for an event. The city / country may have a legacy of improved venues, infrastructure or transport completed in time for a major event. Hosts can also benefit from the jobs created from several years of planning and investment to complete this infrastructure.